Sunday, December 22, 2019

Cleopatra s Reign As The Last Queen Of Egypt - 1462 Words

Cleopatra VII was one of, if not the most powerful and famous women in ancient history. She was a queen, a goddess, a skilled diplomat and a negotiator, who played a serious role in reforming Egypt and how women were viewed in the ancient world. She was an incredibly clever woman from a young age, becoming queen at the youthful age at eighteen. Cleopatra also made huge contributions to politics in Egypt, through her skills in language and consequently of her hundreds of followers and supporters. She was able to even entice some of the most important people in history, such as Mark Antony and Julius Caesar, and had relationships with other Roman rulers such as Emperor Augustus. Her name was very well known in the ancient world as a beautiful and skilled lady, and still is to this day. For these reasons, Cleopatra’s reign as the last queen of Egypt was unlike any other ruler of the ancient world, and her contributions and legacy have left a lasting effect on the world, as we kno w it. Cleopatra VII was the last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty, ruling Egypt from 51 BC - 30 BC. She was born in the Egyptian capital city of Alexandria in about 70 BCE, into the royal family that had ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. She was the daughter of King Ptolemy XII of Egypt. Cleopatra was a woman remembered for her beauty and her relationships and love affairs with two very important warlords, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. When her father Ptolemy XII died in 51 BCE, Cleopatra became rulerShow MoreRelatedCleopatra And Nefertiti : The King Of Egypt1051 Words   |  5 PagesWhen thinking of ancient civilizations, Egypt comes to mind. Cleopatra and Nefertiti are two of the most recognizable names in all of human history. One was at the forefront of a religious revolution, the other took on the Roman Empire. Through a comparison, we discover that Cleopatra had more of a historical impact because her actions led to the end of Egypt’s autonomy. 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