Saturday, October 19, 2019

Nazis and Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Nazis and Art - Essay Example Movies played a very important role in the spread of racial anti-Semitism as Jews were defined as the enemies of nation. The films created by Nazi depicted Nazi as inhuman beings, which penetrated German society. Classical music also was an important tool of propaganda during World War II. Now it is difficult to imagine that classical music played a key role during national crisis. Nevertheless, music was very noticeable background for different World War II events. According to Hitler’s order, overture from opera â€Å"Die Meistersinger von Nà ¼rnberg† should have accompanied every mass-meeting in Nà ¼rnberg. Nazi encouraged the performing the works of Wagner, because Hiller was his fan (Waite, 1977). The works of Meyerbeer and Mendelssohn were forbidden due to the Jewish origin of these composers. German orchestras were not allowed to perform the music by Paul Hindemith, the leading national composer, who was recognized all over the world (Heinsohn, 2000). Many chor uses and orchestras had to leave Germany. The culture of many countries was enriched as a result, because many outstanding Jewish Musicians were afraid to be killed and chose to leave Nazi

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